
Upgrading from Subversion 1.7 to 1.8

I recently worked with an organization to upgrade their Subversion repository from 1.7 to 1.8.  The steps involved, if everything goes according to plan, are:

1. Dump the repository:

   svnadmin dump repo1_7 > repo1_7.dump

   Or you can reduce the dump size and calculate the deltas between revisions and only dump them:

   svnadmin dump --deltas repo1_7 > repo1_7.dump

2. Create the new repository, which by default uses the fsfs file system:

   svnadmin create repo1_8

3. If you need to transfer the dump file to a new host you should take care of that first but then you need load the dump:

   svnadmin load repo1_8 < repo1_7.dump

Now that would generally be it as far as the repository itself is concerned, unless you get errors.  I got errors and it is not uncommon when upgrading.  I ran into issue on step 3, loading the dump file.  It ran for about 2,000+ revisions and then stopped with these errors:

   Cannot accept non-LF line endings in 'svn:log' property

   Cannot accept non-LF line endings in 'svn:ignore' property

This occurred because the repository contained the older ^M carriage return.  This is no longer allowed after version 1.6 but the previous upgrades used the"--bypass-prop-validation" option when loading the repository which just delayed dealing with the issue.  The fix for this is to replace the ^M line endings found in the repository.  To do this you take your dump file you created in step 1 and use the following sed command to replace the ^M line endings.

   sed -e '/^svn:log$/,/^PROPS-END$/ s/^M/ /' -e '/^svn:ignore$/,/^PROPS-END$/ s/^M/\n/' repo1_7.dump > repo1_7-fix.dump

Now I want to make note that the ^M in the command above is not created with Shift+6 and Shift+M.  The ^M character is a carriage return control character that means 0D in hex.  In order to create the character you can either type CTRL+V and CTRL+M or reference it as \x0D in the sed command as shown below.

   sed -e '/^svn:log$/,/^PROPS-END$/ s/\x0D/ /' -e '/^svn:ignore$/,/^PROPS-END$/ s/\x0D/\n/' repo1_7.dump > repo1_7-fix.dump

Once that command finishes you will have repaired copy of the dump file which should load now.


Configuring Jenkins to use HTTPS on CentOS 6.6

These instructions are using Jenkins 1.595 from the Jenkins Yum repository http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/
  1. Create certificate for host with whatever tool you choose.  Personally I like XCA but I don't have a PKI system in place.

  2. Export PKCS12 certificate with chain.

  3. Convert PKCS12 certifcate to java keystore using the following command:
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore jenkinsstore

  4. Copy the keystore to a permanent location (ex. /var/lib/jenkins).

  5. Import your CA certificate into Java cacerts keystore:
    keytool -import -file CA.crt -keystore /usr/java/latest/jre/lib/security/cacerts

  6. Configure /etc/sysconfig/jenkins with the following settings:
    JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xrs -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

  7. Configure iptables to redirect 443 to 8843 and to block tcp 8080 if you want to use the standard port 443:
    -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j DROP
    -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8843

  8. Start Jenkins:
    service jenkins start